Fishermen and fishing business sector have been empowered on new technology of fish farming by using cages system and expansion of market opportunity in Missenyi and Kyerwa district at Kagera region also YOICOT organization has acquired land for fish farming investment using cages in Kyerwa district.
This become due to the level of per capital fish consumption in Tanzania estimated at 2.5kg is the lower in East Africa and falls of bellow the Sub Sahara Africa and global level estimated at 6.7 and 16.6kg respectively. Clearly, the low level of fish consumption in Tanzania is the serious concern to national development in term of population health since fish provides high biological value protein, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other micro-nutrients.
If Tanzania’s population growth continues as projected in the vision 2025, the country need much tons just to attain the average Sub Sahara per capital consumption of 6.6kg.
Due to our study, YOICOT Tanzania designed an income generating project to support the youth community in Kyerwa district by teaching them the new fish farming technology (Cage fish culture system.) This is a rising of fish in containers enclosed on all sides and bottom with mesh material that secures the fish inside while allowing relatively free water exchange with the surrounding environment.
The project is on preliminary stage where villagers around the lake KATWE, KALENGE and MITOMA has already allowed community groups to use those lakes and some pieces of land around for building a pilot project.
Victoria water basin authority and Kyerwa district council has blessed the project,
The project is closely supervised by the YOICOT Tanzania, Venny commodities LTD and village governmental leaders.