Micro-finance to youth community in Dar es salaam, Pwani and Kagera region called NYOTA Microfinance.
Nyota Microfinance is the new venture which exists with the objective of sensitizing self-reliance among community within those regions. The idea was founded by YOICOT Tanzania and Evance Maleko in 2016 due to their involvement in community empowerment through YOICOT Tanzania.
The demand of youth microfinance services in Tanzania, and micro-credit in particular, is estimated to be very big. In 2007 a study done by PRIDE Tanzania estimated that the country has about 8 millions micro and small entrepreneurs, mostly in rural areas that are looking for credit. The SMEs are involved in a wide range of products and services including Agriculture, Animal keeping, Trading, Handcrafts, Food processing, food Vending, Restaurants, Beauty and Body Care services. According to PRIDE, all MFIs are serving only about 400,000 entrepreneurs and this is only 5% of demand.
The Microfinance will cover the gap of financial services and increase self-employment for both urban and rural community. The idea will transform community including youth attitude and encourage hard working through participating in business project, Agriculture, animal husbandry and other entrepreneurial project. It is clear that most of youth and women in rural areas have no access to loan to use as seed capital to initiate and develop projects, therefore through this establishment, the youth will be able to secure loan from their own microfinance with small interest to implement their projects. Also, the microfinance will negotiate with the government through youth region coordinator to see the probability and profitability of affiliating youth and women groups.