Youth Innovators and Community Transformation Tanzania (YOICOT Tanzania) is the Non-government Organization with the main goal of reducing poverty of youth prevailing in the grassroots community by promoting use of science and technology skills.
To enhance community to have youth platform and public financial systems for economic initiatives through social accountability monitoring and advocacy at all governmental levels.
To facilitate economic growth by promoting global financial markets to increase happiness for youth.
The Organization has been serving the youth of Tanzania for 10 years by extended its services to three (3) regional which is Dar es Salaam, Kagera and Pwani.
Donate nowMicro-finance to youth community in Dar es salaam, Pwani and Kagera region called NYOTA Microfinance.
More details...Fishermen and fishing business sector have been empowered on new technology of fish farming by using cages system and expansion of market opportunity in Missenyi and
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The YOICOT Tanzania digital Summit will be done on 23 April2024 at Mwalimu Nyerere Comference Hall in Dar es salaaam